Saturday, November 5, 2011 7:34 PM

Dogs that they are taking care of right now for the show!!!
First pic: Yokik!
Second pic: Bbong bbongie/Nurung!
Fourth pic: Jolie!


Friday, November 4, 2011 11:18 PM
Unofficial last paper

Super blur right?!

Better! ;)

Hmm! Today was so called the last olevel paper! SUPER HAPPY LAH! Hahah although I still have MT and Science paper 1, I REALLY feel that everything's over!
Today was ss and... I only did one essay! So obviously Im dead lah!
But whatever! Its over anyway! I must ALWAYS think positive (-..-!)

So after the paper we went to eat PURPLE PLATE! I hope its not the last day or anything. Since its the last day of extended programme, who knows, the auntie decided to go for a holiday!
Then went to accompany Cheryln to study for her dnt! HOPE THAT SHE AND WOOWANXIN WILL GET AN A1! ;D
After Cheryln left, we went outside general office and talk with the Reduan and GB. We were supposed to wait for Cheryln and Wanxin but sth happened so we went home!
Mr Kumar, a lousy photographer, took two pictures and both of it looks really blur and ugly! Should have taken using my phone! LOL but its ok! Its over anyway! :)
(I keep using this phrase!)

I seriously hate what happened in the bus, on my way home lah! I shall not be that bad and shall just forget it! But i really was super irritated throughout the journey! Grr :@
I was supposed to eat only donuts then my brother go and order mac! LOL (although we can just go down and buy it) So, in total, for today, I ate donuts and mac! No wonder I only gain weight! Its cause I love eating and sleeping ._.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011 5:02 PM

Haha I really cant wait for their new show! Its called 'Family Ties' if Im not wrong! Hmm they have to take care of the animals for around 8 weeks until they are adopted! Hehs! I seriously cant wait to watch it! Esp there is Infinite and Apink! <3

So... Anw! Yesterday and today was like the best day ever during O levels! We told Mr Kumar about GB and he brought him up to the hall to motivate us before the paper start!! Hehes and I got a good luck from GB :p and I somekind find the paper easy...
Nahs~ not really easy... Its manageable? Hahah but whatever Mr Kumar is still so nice right!? And he's like our OM!? >.< Hahah there's more fun thingss that happened but Im just lazy to talk about it~
Then today... SUPER FUNNY LAH! I dont even how and where to start the story. Aiya.. Basically Mr Kumar asked GB to check on us if we vandalized the table or not!
LOL Mr Kumar just did alot of things to let us see GB! And isnt it stupid to ask a student to check on other students what they are doing!?
HAHHAHA! He did that on purpose so that we get to see him! Hehes! So nice! :D But I think now... GB is irritated SOOOO we all decided to ignore him from tomorrow onwards! Hehes!
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It's all about me! JUST ME! ;D


The VOICE OF MY HEART is telling me that NOTHING'S OVER and that you are my FIXED STAR.
With your WINGS bring me to your PARADISE because its AMAZING there. The TIME goes by slowly...
Please stop for a bit BECAUSE I DONT KNOW when i can enjoy this once again.




You're the brightest star.